2740 Lower Macungie Road, Emmaus, PA, USA
2740 Lower Macungie Road, Emmaus, PA, USABasics
- Date added: Added 2 years ago
- Lot size: 106 sq ft
Land Preservation
What started a little over 4 years ago with a letter from Wesley Works Real Estate and the Dorney Family to the Township seeking interest in the purchase and preservation of the Lower Macungie Rd properties - ended right back where it started.
Congrats to the residents of Lower Macungie Township in preserving almost 100 acres of farmland. Congrats to the Dorney Family, having owned this land for over 145 years, for being such willing participants in this unique and seemingly unending land preservation transaction. Congrats to Sarah Stauffer for negotiating one of the most multifaceted land sales, including a condemnation proceeding, in LMT history.
What is being preserved: 5 of the 7 parcels will be preserved. The Township did not purchase the land located on the southern side of Lower Macungie Rd, between, The Turnpike/Mill Race Rd and Macungie Rd. Representing approximately 12.9 acres.
What will happen with the preserved land: According to the Lower Macungie Township official map, the land on the southern side of Lower Macungie Rd, starting at approximately the top of the hill to the PA Turnpike, will eventually expand Olympic Park with additional parking and sports fields. On the Northern side, starting at approximately the top of the hill, crossing over Little Spur, to the PA Turnpike, the land will remain open space and agriculture. Further down, on the northern side, from the PA Turnpike to the Wild Cherry Park border, this will eventually expand Wild Cherry Park. The exact timing and specific amenities of these future projects will be dependent on funding.
Wesley Works Real Estate is proud to have been part of numerous preservation efforts in Lehigh County over the years and looks forward to continuing this trend.